Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

construction articles

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Plugging/Pegging This is the occurrence of near-sized material trapped in the openings, or apertures, of the screen media’s openings. This “near-sized” material attempts to pass through the openings, but because of its particular shape, this aggregate cannot freely travel

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Blinding Deck blinding is a real challenge for many aggregate operations. Soft, powdery limestone is notorious for bad blinding, but this problem can occur in almost any type of aggregate. Dust-sized particles often deposit themselves on flat surfaces inside

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Throughput & Screening Efficiency

Throughput & Screening Efficiency These two terms cannot be considered without regard to the screen media’s wear-life. Depending on the particular screening media in use, there is sometimes a fine line between efficiency and wear-life. The Vibrating Screen Manufacturers

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The Impact of “Impact” Wear

The Impact of "Impact" Wear Transporting, crushing, conveying and the screening aspects of all aggregate processing facilities deal with localized and, in many cases, severe wear areas. Areas of aggregate impact upon processing components can create unusually rapid

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Installation Procedures & Tips

Installation Procedures & Tips Proper Installation is the key to performance and longevity. We’ve compiled a few procedures and tips to help ensure proper installation and proper performance going forward. Be sure that the screen media’s panel dimensions are

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